Changsha Kona Fine Chemical Co., Ltd.

Addressing Processing Defects in Silicon Carbide Wafer Polishing: A Call for Precision Polishing Techniques

In the rapidly evolving field of semiconductor manufacturing, 

the quality of silicon carbide (SiC) wafers is crucial for the performance of high-efficiency electronic devices. 

However, recent productive process have highlighted a significant challenge in wafer preparation: 

the formation of slope-like processing defects, commonly known as collapse phenomena. 

These defects can arise from microcracks, impurities, and lattice defects within SiC crystals, 

raising concerns about the integrity of the final product even after final polishing.

Specialists attribute these collapse phenomena to several key factors, primarily linked to the polishing process itself. 

The use of unsuitable polishing pads, improper polishing speeds, 

and unbefitting polishing durations can all contribute to the formation of these defects. 

Another critical aspect influencing the likelihood of collapse 

is the size of the silicon carbide wafer and the overall compatibility of the processing workflow. 

Oversized wafers or poorly designed process flows, 

characterized by insufficient cutting precision and improper edge treatment, 

predispose materials to collapse risks. Manufacturers must prioritize precision 

and compatibility in their operations to mitigate these vulnerabilities.

Control over the polishing process is equally vital. An uneven distribution of the polishing slurry,

coupled with improper management of the rotational speed and pressure on the polishing disc, 

can significantly heighten susceptibility to defects. 

Variability in the polishing slurry’s stability

—affected by factors such as composition, pH level, and particle size—further complicates the situation. 

Specialists recommend utilizing stable and reliable slurry specifically formulated for silicon carbide 

while routinely assessing their performance to ensure timely replacement before degradation occurs.

To combat these challenges, the implementation of advanced edge protection technologies is crucial. 

Specialized fixtures or coatings can help shield the wafer edges during polishing, 

significantly reducing the incidence of collapse phenomena.

Manufacturers and researchers alike recognize the importance of addressing these processing defects diligently. 

By refining polishing techniques, enhancing slurry quality, and implementing robust edge protection measures, 

the semiconductor industry can effectively manage collapse phenomena in silicon carbide wafer preparation.
 This proactive approach not only enhances surface quality but 

is also essential for the fabrication of high-performance semiconductor devices.

As the demand for advanced semiconductor technologies continues to rise, 

the industry must prioritize the optimization of wafer preparation processes to 

ensure the integrity and performance of silicon carbide-based components. 

With a concerted effort towards improving these critical aspects, 

the future of semiconductor manufacturing looks promising, 

paving the way for innovations that rely on the unparalleled properties of silicon carbide.

For more insights on semiconductor technology and advancements, stay tuned to our coverage.