Changsha Kona Fine Chemical Co., Ltd.

How is orange peel produced in the polishing process?

Orange peel and Pock often pose challenges in the polishing process. CMP polishing encompasses two main effects: physical polishing and chemical polishing. 

The occurrence of orange peel occurs when the mechanical action surpasses the rate of chemical corrosion.

Therefore, today we will discuss the phenomenon of the orange peel, which is primarily caused by several factors.

1. It could be attributed to issues with the polished material itself, such as inadequate flatness or non-uniform internal material structure.

2. Problems with the polishing slurry can also lead to orange peel formation.

 If there is an uneven size distribution or inappropriate hardness of abrasive particles within the slurry, or if additives are improperly added, it may result in orange peel.

3.  Issues with polishing pads or equipment selection can cause orange peel production as well. 

Inappropriate pad selection, non-uniform pad materials, or wear and tear can all contribute to this phenomenon. 

Additionally, prolonged operation may lead to spindle shaking and uneven machine planes.

4.  Improper selection of polishing process parameters can also be a factor in producing orange peel. 

This includes improper pressure or speed during polishing operations, as well as excessively long or short polishing times.